CPAP Machine Readings | How To Read AHI, Leak, Pressure & Usage On A CPAP Machine | (2024)

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  • Last Updated: Friday, August 25th, 2023
  • Written By:David Repasky

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Modern CPAP machines are incredibly sophisticated and capable devices that can provide a wide range of specific results recorded as data throughout the night. It’s important to understand and monitor the CPAP machine readings so you and your doctor can be assured your CPAP therapy is working as it should.

Although these machines can vary by function, complexity, and price, the best are those that include a variety of statistics about your sleep patterns each night. Many come with a smiley face that lets you know everything is running properly and a frowning face to let you know there’s a problem.

While these are fairly easy to interpret, you should really understand what the acronyms connected to the numbers are. Therefore, we’ll go over some common readings that many CPAP machines measure, including

  • AHI
  • Pressure
  • Leak
  • Usage


AHI stands for Apnea Hypopnea Index. It illustrates the average number of hypopneas and apneas per hour for the timeframe. These terms represent the following:

  1. Hypopnea is a partial collapse of your airway.
  2. Apnea is the total absence of airflow through your mouth and nose, even when there’s an effort to breathe (as in obstructive sleep apnea) as measured at the abdomen and chest.

The Apnea-Hypopnea Index (AHI) measurement is usually delivered within the setting of a sleep study report. It’s the number of times per sleep hour that your upper airway (soft palate at your throat or tongue) partially or completely collapses, causing a drop in blood oxygen levels or a slight arousal from sleep.

The Apnea-Hypopnea Index is typically used for classifying how severe your sleep apnea is. It’s also used to determine how well treatment is working — like a CPAP device, for instance.

The severity of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Hypopnea Syndrome (OSAHS), according to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine Task Force follows the below categories.

  • Normal: Fewer than five breathing episodes per sleep hour.
  • Mild Sleep Apnea: Five to 14.9 breathing episodes per sleep hour
  • Moderate Sleep Apnea: Fifteen to 29.9 breathing episodes per sleep hour
  • Severe Sleep Apnea: Thirty or more breathing episodes per sleep hour

To calculate AHI, you add the total number of apnea episodes, including hypopnea episodes, and divide by the number of sleep time minutes. You then take this number and multiply by 60.

Here’s an example:

Divide hypopnea + apnea by sleep time and then multiply the number by 60.

  • Apneas (200), Hypopnea (200) = Total number of episodes is 400
  • Actual sleep time (420 minutes) (seven hours x 60 minutes)
  • Divide the 400 by 420 = .95 x 60 = AHI 57 (severe apnea)

In this example, an AHI of 57 falls into the severe sleep apnea category.

Sleep is analyzed in children with more stringent criteria. More than one episode per sleep hour is considered abnormal.

Related Reading: How to Improve Your AHI Score Overnight


This is the pressure the device is set at. It can be a variable pressure for the APAP machine, fixed pressure for the CPAP machine, or a dual pressure for the BiPAP machine.

Each individual is unique, therefore it seems sensible that CPAP therapy offers different pressure settings and not everyone would require the same setting for their obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). You can adjust the CPAP pressure to fit your own particular needs. And, while a low setting may be good for you, it might not be good for another person.

If your sleep study indicates you have OSA, you’ll require a CPAP titration study to find the level of pressure you’ll require to maintain your airway while you’re sleeping. The sleep professional may perform the titration study the same night as your sleep study or you might schedule it for a later date.

Titration refers to slowly adding more of something until you achieve the desired effect. The sleep professional:

  • Monitors your sleep during your titration study and slowly.
  • Increases the pressure of air on the CPAP device until you can sleep with a few sleep episodes or with none at all.

Throughout the night, your pressure needs may vary, therefore you would need an overnight sleep study so the technician can determine and prescribe the proper pressure level.

The CPAP pressure level will be prescribed to the highest level you require during the night. The doctor prescribes the highest pressure in hopes of preventing as many sleep episodes as they can. But, with this approach, however, you’ll receive the highest pressure all the time even when you only require it for part of the night.

APAP machines adjust the pressure on a breath by breath basis. This you might find helps your treatment.

Factors Affecting The Pressure Setting You Need

Your upper airway anatomy and the nature of your airway obstruction play the biggest role in figuring out the required pressure setting. Different amounts of air will be needed if your sleep apnea occurs due to:

  • Deviated septum
  • Blocked nose from allergies
  • Tongue falls back into your airway
  • A collapsing soft palate

Also, being obese or overweight could exacerbate things. In fact, when individuals lose around 10 percent body weight, they may need to turn down the CPAP settings.

Medications that relax the muscles of the airway (i.e. benzodiazepines), alcohol and sleeping your back could add to your pressure requirements temporarily.>

REM sleep towards morning could relax your muscles and exacerbate sleep apnea.


CPAP leak rate is usually measured in liters per minute, there’s a built-in leak differential by masks since they all have variations because of the exhalation port. However, if there’s an excessive leak, it could indicate a mouth leak or poor fitting mask.

There’s a certain amount of leak coming from the mask that’s considered normal. The manufacturer of the mask determines this amount and it’s called the “intentional link” value. If your mask is leaking and its six to nine months old, consider replacing it. If it’s new and is leaking, it could be due to an incorrect fit.

Masks could cause air leaks if they are:

  • Too old: As the masks silicone cushion gets older, it deteriorates and starts becoming too soft to hold the seal. For a lot of masks, you can remove and replace it to extend the mask’s life. When a cushion has become softened to where it doesn’t hold a seal any longer, you might be able to tighten it up enough to stop the leak when you go to sleep, however, the seal will loosen and leak during the night.
  • Too big: If air is leaking into your eyes or at the base of your nose, that typically means the mask is too wide or long. You may also experience a leak under your nose if you have facial hair.
  • The wrong style: You could simply be using the wrong CPAP mask style for your unique facial structure, type of breathing, sleep style, and sleep apnea severity.
  • Changing their position because your pillow pushing against the mask. You can purchase special CPAP pillows designed to reduce the contact of the mask with the pillow, even if you sleep on your side.

Today’s CPAP machines are designed to cope with some degree of an excessive leak by blowing more air into the semi-closed system to preserve the desired pressure setting.

When the excessive leaking reaches the level where the machine’s manufacturers believe the machine will not properly maintain the therapeutic pressure setting, the leak is said to be a “Large Leak”.

Each manufacturer defines and flags unique defines what’s constitutes a large leak, and are reported as Total Leak Rathis rate includes both the excessive leak and the intentional leak made for preventing re-breathing the CO2.

Most machines categorize a normal leak rate if the leak registers 20-24L/minute or less, but you should always know what constitutes a higher than normal leak rate on your machine.


Your CPAP usage is determined by how long you wear the mask. Modern devices can differentiate the mask actually being on the person ―or if the person just turns it on but doesn’t wear the mask. This measurement helps to assess compliance and is a factor that insurance companies measure for coverage purposes.

Compliance tracking machine can track usage hours, but may not track advanced features, such as AHI and leaks. Manufacturers designed compliance tracking machines to meet Medicare’s requirements mandating durable medical equipment providers show the equipment was used for Medicare’s set minimum number of hours. Without this data, DME providers can’t continue being paid by Medicare.

A usage threshold determines the minimum time that you must use your device in order to be compliant.

Interpreting Your CPAP Readings In Conjunction with How You Feel

It’s important to understand and monitor your CPAP machine readings. But it’s also important to assess how you’re feeling after you’ve been using CPAP therapy for several months. For instance, do you still require naps or are you feeling less tired? Are you able to sleep through the night or if you’re still waking up frequently? These questions can be a clue as to how well your CPAP therapy is working.

This self-assessment can help determine if the CPAP therapy is working optimally for you or not. If not, you may require adjustments to your CPAP therapy, whether it is a new CPAP machine, alternate CPAP mask, or other CPAP accessory.

  • CPAP Machine Readings | How To Read AHI, Leak, Pressure & Usage On A CPAP Machine | (1)

    David Repasky

    David Repasky has been using CPAP treatment since 2017 and has first-hand experience with what it's like to live with Sleep Apnea. He brings the patient's perspective to the blog and has received formal training in CPAP machines, masks, and equipment.

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87 Responses

  1. When reading your sleep report: For the IHA reading. I understand that 1 means one event per hour, but what does .1 mean? Less than 0 events? So then. Basically .9 would be less than 1 event per hour?? Please explain this to me, please. Mine is usually between .2 & .4
    Thanks, Judy


    1. Hey Judy, you are correct. With you have an AHI of .1, .2, or even .4 that means that on average you are having less than 1 episode of Hyponea Apnea per hour. That is great! The only concern would be if your AHI exceeds 5. Please see the link below with more information.

      For further questions, or concerns, please reach us at: 1-800-356-5221.

      Enjoy your day!


    2. My clap readings are very low. Often they are 0.0. What does this mean? Please answer.


      1. Hi Susan, it means your AHI, (total episodes) is zero. That is fantastic! Your score, means your CPAP therapy is working for you.

        For further questions, or concerns, please feel free to reach us at: 1-800-356-5221, or you may e-mail us at:

        Have a great day!


    3. When I awoke at 5:30 my ahi rating was 2.2. After going back to sleep my ahi was 9.1
      Can you explain why?


      1. Hi David,
        It’s common for AHI to vary from night to night. It is also normal for people that take a half-hour nap to have higher AHI since Your AHI measures the number of apneas and hypopneas you experienceper hour, not the total number. For example, if you nap for a half hour and have an AHI of 8, that means you only experienced four apneas which is still within the normal range. There are three reasons that your AHI may rise. First is mask leak. If air is escaping your CPAP mask, you’re not getting all the air pressure needed to keep your airway open and as a result AHI rises. Second is consumption of alcohol, narcotics and drugs which increases obstruction and as a result AHI. Third is development of central or complex sleep apnea. In central sleep apnea, the brain is not telling your body to breathe. This is caused by a dysfunction in the central nervous system, not a physical obstruction, and requires a different type of machine and PAP therapy. If your AHIwasstable, but it is suddenly increasing over the past few weeks or months, you should book a follow up appointment.

        Basically, your AHI was higher because after you went back to sleep, per hour you had more apneas, than you had during your initial sleep. In order to find out why your apneas increased, please speak with your doctor as he/she would be able to review your therapy data in depth to see what happened when you returned to sleep.

        For further questions, or concerns, please feel free to reach us at: 1-800-356-5221, or you may email us at:

        Enjoy your day!


        1. My AHI reading below 3.
          After a month using average 7-8 hours at night day time when I sleep in the afternoon it napped more than 2hours. Was it a good thing?


    4. I just recently switched to 3rd shift, when I sleep in the morning around 4hrs or more my Therapy hours always read less then hour..But when I sleep overnight when I’m off work ,it gives me the correct time,4hrs or more…I don’t understand, why is that.


  2. My AHI is .4 which is very good but my Leak number says 120 ml/min?


    1. Hey Rich, sorry to hear about the leak rate that you are experiencing. Have you changed your cushion on your mask within the last 3 months? If not, you should. Please make certain that you are using the correct size mask also. Also, make sure that you have no leak coming from your hose. You can check for hose leaks by turning the machine on and running your hand up and down your hose to see if you feel any air blowing out.

      If you would like to go through troubleshooting over the phone in an effort to determine where the leak may be coming from, please feel free to contact us at: 1-800-356-5221.

      Enjoy your day!


    2. Hi Rich,
      120 mL/hr is actually quite small. If it was 120 L/min then I would be concerned. Speak to your HME and verify what those numbers mean.

      Have a good day!

      Mia Tatman, RRT


  3. Hi… I’m a new user of CPAP machine.
    So basically the goal of using CPAP is to have a less than 5 AHI ?

    That means you can adjust the pressure that makes you comfortable as long as your AHI <5 ?

    Yesterday I lower the pressure and I got a little lower AHI as a result. I like less pressure because it makes me more comfortable. Is that oke ?

    Thank you.


    1. Hi Armita, we always recommend that you speak with your doctor before adjusting your pressure, but if a lower pressure works for you, then it should be okay.

      Please feel free to reach us at: 1-800-356-5221 for further questions, or concerns.

      Have a great day!


  4. Why should I have an AHI of 59 today amd 95 yesterday if using the cpap machine? I thought the CPAP machine was to help with that. Deb


    1. Hi Deb, i’m sorry to hear that your AHI is still reading high even though you are using your CPAP machine. You are correct, the machine is designed to decrease the number of Apneas that you have. Please speak with your doctor for further interpretation of your AHI. It is possible that you need a setting adjustment.

      Please feel free to reach us at: 1-800-356-5221, or e-mail us at:, with further questions, or concerns.

      We wish you the best!


  5. This a great article! I had an AHI of 105 on my sleep study and they said my blood oxygen level was 53% at its lowest level. I was chronically tired and overweight. Through CPAP therapy my sleep is better and I have more energy. Also, I had high blood pressure and that went completely away after CPAP treatment! Lastly, having CPAP treatment meant more energy which helped me lose more weight more quickly! After losing weight i changed to an APAP machine. I suspect I will always need treatment but having CPAP treatment nightly has changed my life! To those of you with Sleep Apnea try to stick with it each night. Eventually you will get used to it! Sleep is very important for your health!!!


    1. Hey Dan, we are happy to hear that you found the article helpful. Congrats on your weight loss! We wish you continued success with your CPAP Therapy.

      Have a great day!


  6. My episodes per hour seem to vary if I go to bed later at night. Example before midnight with machine my episodes are 2.8 .But if I go to bed when not working at 3:00 A.M. episodes go up to 6 to 9 per hour with machine also. I am going to tell my Doctor about this.


  7. I’ve only been using my CPAP for about a month. Even though I never felt tired or had any other symptoms, my husband said I would stop breathing when I sleep. I was diagnosed with mild sleep apnea (ahi of 8) so I was given an auto CPAP or APAP. My pressure ranges from 5 to 7 each night and my AHI is down to 0.4 per hour. Since I began using it I feel like I sleep terribly. I wake with headaches and I am exhausted by lunchtime. I will ask my dr when I have my follow up appointment in a week but wondered if feeling worse with CPAP is common?


    1. Hey Gina, i’m sorry to hear that you are waking with headaches. In response to your question no, CPAP Therapy is not supposed to make you feel worse. Waking with headaches could be an indication that your pressure is too high, or maybe a sinus problem. Are you currently using a Humidifier with your therapy? If not you may benefit from adding one.

      Please see the link below for more information on headache and other side effects that you may experience. Also, be sure to advise your doctor of the headaches that you are experiencing so that they may make a medical decision on if your settings should be adjusted.

      Please feel free to reach us at: 1-800-356-5221, or e-mail us at: with any further questions, or concerns.

      Enjoy your day!


  8. alright i have been on CPAP treatment for over 2 months and i took my results in to my doctor this morning . according to the monitored results i have had an AHI of 5 or more ( around 6 to be specific ) 3 days out of 60 the rest were 2 or less . so i ask my doctor do i even need to wear a CPAP and he stated that the AHI was low because i was using the machine . it seems to me if the machine was working my AHI would be 0 . so i guess my question is does the machine not pick up on and notate all apnea issues ,and does it hurt to wear a CPAP if you don’t really need it


    1. Hi John, so happy to hear that your AHI is low when using your cpap machine! If you did a sleep study, you might consider checking your results (or asking your doctor) what your AHI was without the use of cpap therapy for comparisons sake.

      If you’re using an auto adjusting machine, it would be worth noting what your average pressure is to provide you with the lower AHI score.

      There is no benefit to using a CPAP Machine, without being diagnosed with Sleep Apnea. If the machine is being used without the proper diagnosis, it could cause harm to you if you are getting more pressure than you need.

      Please speak with your doctor about your concerns, as they may want to complete a new sleep study.

      For further questions, or concerns, please feel free to reach us at: 1-800-356-5221.

      Have a great day!


  9. H I’ve using my dream machine for 4 months now It automatically adjust to my breathing and it communicates with a app to my phone via Bluetooth to monitor .By far the best machine I’ve came across and I also use Flonase everynight before bed .Ahi .3. And since I get awesome sleep 6.50 hrs is all I can sleep with no naps and fully energetic and lost 30lbs.Had to shave the mustache nasal and chin strap works best for me.Good luck everyone.


  10. I dont understand like Ihave a reamed 10 and what dose it mean if it says I have 1.9 events per hour?


    1. Hi Angela, it can be difficult to understand the readings on your machine. Basically, anything less than 5 events per hour is considered normal.

      Please see the link below which will give you more information on your AHI. Also, please feel free to reach us at: 1-800-356-5221, or you may e-mail:, with any further questions, or concerns.

      We wish you the best!


  11. My sleeping varies between 5-7 hrs every night but my api number is always below 5. I sweat quite a bit almost every night. Anyway to fix that? Was never an issue till I starting using the machine.


    1. Hi Jamie, i’m sorry to hear that you are having night sweats. We have a product called bFan, that may provide you some relief. Please see the link below for more information.

      For further questions, or concerns, please feel free to reach us at: 1-800-356-5221, or you may e-mail us at:

      Enjoy your day!


  12. I have been wearing a CPAP since 2001. I have a wonderful mask now with the memory foam and a great seal. However, I have readings that are all over the place. Last night I had a reading of 21.8 apneas per hour. The night before was 4.5 before that 2.3. I just am wondering why with a good seal I am having so many episodes. Any thoughts? Thank you.


    1. Hello Sue, I would recommend that you speak with your doctor so that your data can be interpreted properly. The settings on your machine may need to be adjusted. Your doctor will be able to review your data and make the proper determination.

      We wish you the best!


  13. I am very confused .I went to sleep around 1AM, went to the bathroom twice during the night. Woke up at 10:30 AM, my machine time said 4 hours. How is that possible, I had the machine on all night. Should have said at least 9 hours


    1. Hi Diane, it must be very frustrating not having the total used hours recorded. In order for me to confirm the reason for the hours not recorded, please provide me with the name of the machine that you’re using.

      You may call 1-800-356-5221, or e-mail us at: for further assistance.

      We hope to hear from you soon.


  14. Two questions:
    1. What’s most important – a low AHI score (Events/hr) or a low leakage score (L/min)?
    With a full mask I’m getting almost no leakage but a nightly score of 7 events/ hour. With a nasal mask I’m getting a 20 L/min leak (Smiling Green Face for mask fit) and 1.5 events per hour. Which is most important?

    2. The full face mask is causing a red rash on my upper lip, chin and cheeks. Is there anything I can do about this?


    1. Hi Pat, both low AHI and low Leak rate are important. There is an expectation that you will have some leakage. The normal leak rate usually depends on the mask you are using and your pressure setting. Most machine manufacturers consider a normal leak rate 20-24.

      The AHI, is considered normal if under 5, so your AHI of 7, is too high. It sounds like the nasal mask, is a better option for you however, you must take your comfort into consideration also. Which mask are you most comfortable wearing? Please view the link below from our forum, to see what other CPAP users, are saying.

      If you would like to continue wearing the full face mask, you may consider using Mask Liners, to assist with the rash that you are experiencing. Please see the links below for a couple of options.

      I hope this information helps, have a great day!


  15. What’s total AI means? , its 0.9 is that normal?


    1. Hi Ban, my apologies for the delayed response. Please see the link below which will give you information on AHI and AI. Also, an Apnea Index Score under 5 is considered to be normal so yes, 0.9 is normal.

      Please feel free to reach us at: 1-800-356-5221 for further questions, or concerns.

      Have a great day!


  16. I am a new CPAP user. Through sleep study I was diagnosed in the “severe” category at 31…increasing to 65 in deep REM with O2 levels down to 80%. I have now been on the machine for 25 days without interruption. I am feeling much better. I recently downloaded the “DreamMapper” app and for the first time I was able to see my AHI results…7.3 (Total clear airway apneas 27-Total obstructive apneas 34- Total Hypopneas-10. No leaks detected. I slept for 9.3 hours with one interruption. Pressure is set at 11. Is this showing improvement from my original sleep study? Do I need to talk with my doctor about any adjustments? Thank you.


    1. Hey Danny, congrats on feeling better since you started your CPAP Therapy. The results that you are listing, could be displaying improved results however, you must speak with your doctor to have your data analyzed for certainty.

      There are some comfort adjustment features that you may have access to, which does not require you speaking with your doctor. Please speak with your doctor so that a medical determination can be made as if you require pressure setting changes.

      We wish you continued success with your CPAP Therapy!


  17. My machine says Settling 4.0 what that means


    1. Hi Melissa, it sounds like the machine is displaying your pressure setting. Depending upon the type of machine that you have, it could mean that your pressure will blow at a continuous pressure of 4cm throughout the night (CPAP machine), or if you are using an Auto-Titrating (APAP), your pressure may start at 4cm and increase to the pressure that you need, on a breath-by-breath basis up to the maximum pressure that your machine is set to.

      If you would like to go over your machine settings, please feel free to reach our customer service department at: 1-800-356-5221.

      Have a great day!


  18. Hello I’ve use a cpap machine for many years and never seen this emblem ? on screen would please explain what it means thank you


    1. Hi Duwanna, what is the name of your machine? Please contact our customer service department at: 1-800-356-5221, with your machine near you so that we can provide you with accurate information and efficient service on your machine.

      We look forward to speaking with you soon!


  19. HI
    im from india. in feb 2019 i diagnosed with mild OSA. since then im on cpap titration. initially i felt really good but since last one week i woke up every hour at night with gasping for air. iam on mild sedative for anxiety disorder, also but still insomnia. iam using respro G20 A. IT SHOWING 0.5 to 0.7 AHI per hour is it normal?
    plz answer.


    1. Hi Akshata, i’m sorry to hear that you are having to gasp for air. When you have an AHI below 5 per hour, it is considered normal. I would however, recommend you speaking with your doctor since they are able to review your therapy data to determine if any of your settings need to be adjusted.

      Also, please click the link below to see what other CPAP users are saying about having to gasp for air.

      If you have further questions, or concerns, please feel free to reach us at: 1-800-356-5221, or you may e-mail us at:

      We wish you the best!


  20. I have my machine on and it is reading 1 event, but I did not go to sleep as of yet. Can I stop breathing while awake? or is tis machine wrong.


    1. Hi Dee, the machine doesn’t usually record valid AHI’s while you are awake. If you hold your breath, the machine may record an AHI. Also, other CPAP users have reported that they’ve noticed their machine will record an AHI, if they change positions while they are awake.

      Please see the link below to see what other users are saying on about AHI’s being recorded while they are awake.

      Please feel free to reach us at: 1-800-356-5221, or you may e-mail us at:

      Have a great day!


  21. Is EVENTS PER HOUR and AHI measuring the same thing? What is the difference between the two?
    I have a resmed AirSense 10 machine. For the past 2 months I was getting a reading of 2 or smaller for BOTH EPH and AHI. Last night I got an EPH of 8.0, and AHI 2.0. Which is the more significant reading of the two?


    1. Hi Zev, AHI is the accumlation of apneas and hypopneas while events per hour is how many times you stop breathing. Both, AHI and Events per Hour are important. If your AHI is below 5, it is considered normal.

      For further questions, or concerns, please feel free to rach us at: 1-800-356-5221, or you may e-mail us at:

      Have a great evening!


  22. Hi, I am from India.
    I have a very naive and basic question.

    I had been diagnosed with mild sleep apnea some months back.
    But I’ve only recently started using an apap machine.

    Now, when I wear my apap, I get a good, low reading of 2.2 apneas per hour.

    Does that mean that my overall sleep apnea problem is now no more?
    Or does an apap machine automatically show a lower reading each time you wear it?

    I can stop using apap machines for good?


    1. Hi Percy, my apologies for the delayed response. Your low readings means your CPAP machine is working for you. If you were to stop using your machine, your readings would most likely be much higher. The numbers you are seeing is after the CPAP machine has corrected your apneas.

      Unfortunately, low apnea readings while using your CPAP machine, doesn’t mean you can stop your therapy.

      Please feel free to reach us at: 1-800-356-5221 with any further questions, or concerns.

      We wish you continued success with your CPAP therapy!


  23. I’ve been on CPAP for about 15 years. I have an old machine that does not record any usage time. I’ve never been asked about compliance. I use it faithfully every night, all night. Now, to pass a DOT physical, I’m being asked to provide proof of usage. How am I supposed to do that? I haven’t been back to the pulmonologist in over 10 years (don’t even remember who he was), and have no way to prove DOT compliance. What can I do?


    1. Hey Dave, please provide the name of the machine that you are currently using and we would be happy to confirm if there is software available for you to retrieve your sleep therapy data.

      We can be reached at: 1-800-356-5221, or you may e-mail us at:

      Have a great day!


      1. Same here I have an old machine it’s a respironics m series that don’t have a chip in it how can i retrieve my data but it don’t read anything for the dates such as 7 days or 30 days it has 0.00 0 hours and 0 minutes.


        1. Hi Adolphus, my apologies for the late response. I’m very sorry, but the smartcard and software required for you to retrieve data from your machine, doesn’t seem to be available. This is what I have found: Respironics EncoreViewer Software along with their Smart Card Reader will allow you to track the clinical data recorded on the Smart Card.

          Unfortunately, we no longer sell the smart card, or have access to the required software. You may speak with your doctor, or your local sleep center to see if they have the software available.

          I’m sorry I couldn’t be of better assistance. For further questions, or concerns, please give us a call at: 1-800-356-5221, you can e-mail us at:

          Best Wishes!


  24. Hi! I have been using an APAP for about 3 weeks. I have a beard so wear a full face mask, my AHI score has gone down from 37.5 in the sleep test, to around 2 with the APAP. However it tells me the leak rate is high at 37 litres/min. Is it OK to have a high leak rate if I am getting a good result? Is that AHI score likely to be inaccurate with a high leak rate?



    1. Hi Chris, my apologies for the delayed response. Congrats on getting your AHI down! The normal leak rate is 24 L/min, so your 37 is a bit on the high side. Please be sure that you have a comfortable mask fit. If the sizing is not correct, this could be the cause of the high leak rate. Also, please be sure that there aren’t any holes in your hose.

      Your AHI score is most likely accurate, but you can always speak with your sleep therapist, or doctor to have your data reviewed.

      For further questions, or concerns, we can be reached at: 1-800-356-5221, or e-mail:

      We wish you the best!


  25. Ahi 17.1
    Clear airway 9
    Obstructive apnea 90
    Hypopneas 23
    What does all this mean. I’m new to this machine and the company that gave it to me didn’t explain it to me and dont see my Dr till January


    1. Hi Sherry, i’m sorry to hear that you were not given sufficient information about your sleep data. Please see the link below for information on your sleep data meanings and how the score is calculated.

      With your AHI being 17.1, you are considered to have moderate sleep apnea. This is definitely something I would suggest you speaking with your doctor about. Once, the doctor reviews your therapy data, they can make an determination on if your CPAP therapy is working well for you, or if you would benefit from a setting adjustment.

      Please see the link below to see what other CPAP users are saying about Clear Airway on our forum.

      For further questions, or concerns, please feel free to reach us at: 1-800-356-5221, or you may e-mail us at:

      Have a great day!


  26. I’ve been on Respironics CPAP machines for 8 years (my latest a Dream Machine) and while certainly sleeping and feeling much better rarely had an AHI reading below 12. I recently spent a night at a sleep clinic and it was suggested that I change to a full face mask, try to sleep more on my side, use fixed pressure and that I try a Resmed machine. I’ve tried the suggestions and have had a loaned Resmed Air Sense 10. My readings have dropped to between 4 and 5 !
    I’ve tried going back to my Dream Machine, sleeping on my side, use a fixed pressure and the new mask and my AHI is back up to over 12. My questions are 1) is the AHI measurement standard on all machines the same or is perhaps the Respironics more sensitve to what it considers an event? (am I comparing apples and oranges?) Is there an actual physical difference in how the two machines are providing air pressure?


    1. Hi Michael, that’s weird. The AHI measurement is the same for all CPAP machines. There isn’t any difference in the air pressure provided by the machines as long as all of the settings are the same.

      You mentioned that the fixed pressure and masks are the same with both machines, but what about other settings? Is the EPR and Humidifier settings the same for both machines? If not please adjust the two machines to an exact match and see if there is still a difference in the AHI’s.

      For further questions, or concerns, please feel free to reach us at: 1-800-356-5221, or you may e-mail us at:

      Have a great weekend!


  27. I have been using CPAP therapy for 21 years when I first went and found out that I had COSA my doctor told me that if I didn’t change my life I’ll be dead within two years I changed my life and CPAP change me.


  28. I just got my ResMed machine Monday and used it every night. I’ve been having an average of 8 hours sleep with the mask and have felt good when I wake up. Last night, Thursday, I went to bed at 10:30 and slept until 8 but it said I had over 11 events. It has never been that high. I am also exhausted at 10 am. I don’t understand and have been reading and reading. Any help? Is something wrong?


    1. Hi Diane, i’m sorry for the late response. Did you take any type of different medication, or have any alcohol before sleeping? If so this could account for the increase in your number of events. Either way, I would recommend you speak with your doctor, so that your therapy data can be viewed to determine if your settings should be adjusted.

      For further questions, or concerns, we may be reached at: 1-800-356-5221, or you may e-mail further questions to:

      We wish you the best!


  29. Hello from Australia. Previously a severe sleep apnea patient, now on the cpap machine and post nasal surgery my figures have all gone down by approx 50% however my RE Count has doubled. What does RE Count mean / represent ? Thanks Graham


    1. Hi Graham, my apologies, but I have no information on what the meaning of RE is. Please confirm with your doctor what the RE means and a possible explanation as to why it has doubled.

      For further questions, or concerns, please feel free to reach us at: 1-800-356-5221.

      Have a great day!


  30. When my doctor saw that my 30-day average for AHI was 5.6, he said that was fine. Do you agree?


    1. Hey Pat, an AHI of 5.6 denotes Mild Sleep Apnea. It isn’t perfect, but it isn’t bad. An AHI, below 5, is considered normal.

      For further questions, or concerns, please feel free to reach us at: 1-800-356-5221, or you may e-mail us at:

      Enjoy your day!


  31. Hi there my AHI is reading 0.9 and my pressure is 12 was wondering how many episodes is that? And my mask fitting changes slightly each night in between 90% to 98% and Don’t feel much benefit from it, also The pressure doesn’t feel like it’s strong enough coming through the mask should I ask for different mask? Thanks


    1. Hi Jordan, your AHI reading of 0.9 means on average you have less than 1 event per night, that’s great! It sounds like your CPAP therapy is working well for you. Your mask fit is good also.

      Even though, you don’t feel like your therapy is benefiting you, from the numbers you listed, it is. You can always try a different mask for comfort, but you’d be risking an increase in your AHI, leak rate, and/or comfort.

      Please speak with your doctor regarding your concerns, as they can view all of your therapy data and make a decision on if a setting adjustment is warranted.

      For further questions, or concerns, please reach us at: 1-800-356-5221.

      We wish you continued success with your therapy!


  32. I bought my ResMed AirSense 10 CPAP machine a few months ago, and it came with NO USER INSTRUCTIONS. Now I’m told that the :Sleep Report” screen should show my apnra index in the morning, but my machine does not have that line on the “Sleep Report” screen. How do I bring up that apnea index line on my “Sleep Report” screen? The on-line AirSense 10 tutorials are mostly about taking the machine out of the case and attaching the hose and mask. I have a sophisticated machine that I do not know how to use, and that’s bad business!!!


  33. What does a reading of 0.0 mean


    1. Hi Susan, what heading is the 0.0 reading under, or where are you seeing the 0.0? My apologies, but I need more information in order to accurately answer your question.

      We can be reached at: 1-800-356-5221, or you may e-mail us at:

      Have a great weekend!


  34. Hi

    I am new with a BIPAP dream machine
    First two weeks everything cool except haveing to change from a medium to a small nose pillow.
    But then about 4 days ago my AHI for clear (central) apneas began to sky rocket from about 3-4 An hour to 15-20 per hour.
    could it be a pressure issue of some machine issue or am I doomed



    1. Hi James, i’m sorry to hear about the increase in your AHI’s. The great news is you’re not doomed. Have you confirmed under your therapy data, what your leak rate is? Do you have a good mask fit?

      If you have a high leak rate typically, anything over 24L/m, this could be the reason for the increase in AHI. Also, you should discuss the increase in AHI’s, with your doctor, since he/she, will be able to review your therapy data and determine if you would possibly benefit from a setting adjustment.

      Please feel free to reach us at: 1-800-356-5221, or you may e-mail us at:, with further questions, or concerns.

      We wish you the best


  35. I see flames on screen. Like red waves lines. What does that mean, air pressure at 10. Normal 14


    1. Hi Greg, my apologies, but in order to accurately answer your question, please provide the name and model of your machine. Also, are you using a humidifier and, or heated hose? If so, those wavy lines are related to the use of your humidifier.

      For further assistance, you may reach us at: 1-800-356-5221, or you can e-mail us at:

      We hope to hear from you soon!


  36. I have started using vent med Ds-6 cpap machine.its sleep report doesn’t say anything about AHI.AM I LOOKING AT RIGHT PLACE


    1. Hi Kamleshwar,
      Unfortunately, this is a machine model that doesn’t sell. I’m not able to locate any details regarding the AHI for your machine.

      I would recommend you speaking with the supplier you purchased your machine from to confirm if AHI is a recorded feature for your machine.

      For further questions, or concerns, please feel free to call us at: 1-800-356-5221, or you may e-mail us at:

      Best Wishes


  37. Please tell me what the numerical values mean when running the mask fit. One time I will get 10.6 next time 14.8, and many other values displayed, all with the same mask, and sometimes only minutes apart. Airsense 10 autoset, resmed air touch f20. Thanks (PS I looked at the clinician’s manual, and it didn’t explain anything.).


    1. Hi Walt,
      Usually, for the mask fit, you receive either a smiley face if the fit is good, or a sad face if the mask need to be adjusted, not numbers.

      If you’re using your machine in autoset mode, the numbers provided may be pressure setting data. If you confirm that the mask fit is definitely, giving you numbers, please give us a call for further assistance.

      We can be reached at: 1-800-356-5221.

      Best Wishes


  38. Does the leak rate effect your AHI number. I never have leaks and the one night I had a high leak rate was also the night I had my lowest AHI number


    1. Hi Peter, the leak rate can effect your AHI. Usually, a high leak rate, causes your AHI, to increase, unless you have a machine that compensates for the leak, or a defect with your unit.

      What is the name of your machine? Is it an CPAP (continuous pressure), or an APAP (auto-adjusting) machine?

      Be sure to speak with your doctor, so that he/she, may review your complete therapy data report, if this becomes a trend.

      For further questions, or concerns, please reach us at: 1-800-356-5221, or you may e-mail us at:

      Best Wishes


  39. I have a ResMed 10 auto CPAP machine. My prescription has it set to a range of 8-20. When I wake up in the mornings I look at the sleep report on the display which shows a pressure of about 10 each time. What does the 10 mean? I thought the machine was supposed to ramp up and down as need rather than maintaining a constant setting.


    1. Hi Jim,
      You’re correct, your machine automatically changes to the pressure you need on a breath-by-breath basis. The 10 means that 95 percent of the time you needed a 10 pressure during the past nights sleep.

      For further questions, or concerns, please feel free to reach us at: 1-800-356-5221, or you may email us at:

      Have a great day!


  40. Thank you!!!
    Now please tell me, does it record a maximum pressure also? I would assume (being I had 4 events per hour on average) that my machine attempted to ramp up to my max of 20 at some point right? I’m mean if there’s any obstructive apneas the machine should ramp up to my max of 20 to try and correct them right? Are does this mean that my 4 averaged event still took place even though the machine ramped up to the max of 20? Uncorrectable with 20 that is???

    Thanks again!


    1. Hi Jim,
      When having an apnea, the machine does increase the pressure in an effort to correct the episode, but it may not have ramped up to 20.

      To gain a better understanding of your therapy data and what your pressure increased to during each apnea, I would recommend you download software called OSCAR. This software offers graphs and a lot more data than what you receive in the Airview app.

      Please see the link below for multiple versions of the software.

      For further questions, or concerns, please give us a call at: 1-800-356-5221 and we’ll be happy to assist you.

      Best Wishes!


  41. I had sleep apnea and used a cpap machine for 2 years with success. I lost 60 lbs recently and my sleep apnea was “cured”. I put on about 10 lbs and now my sleep test says I have 10 ahi, minimal SA. Before I could talk to the Dr he already prescribed another machine. I asked him why would I need a machine for such a mild case, why not an oral device? My brother uses an oral device effectively and has mild SA. The machine is a pain in the a** gets dirty and traveling ugh. I still have my machine from my prior bout with SA and told him to cancel that order. He said just discuss that when we get the machine, oral appliances “don’t work”. It an insurance scam, is all it about killing an ant with a sledgehammer! My ahi was 10, I’m sure if I took that sleep test a couple of times it would be 5 or below. I just need a little assistance, not a machine blowing air down my throat all night with a mask on, which is not healthy, I don’t care what anybody says. I just want an oral device. .


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CPAP Machine Readings | How To Read AHI, Leak, Pressure & Usage On A CPAP Machine | (2024)


What is the acceptable leak level for a CPAP machine? ›

The acceptable leak rate is up to 24 litres per minute.

What is a good AHI reading on CPAP machine? ›

Apneas are periods when a person stops breathing and hypopneas are instances where airflow is blocked, causing shallow breathing. Normal AHI is less than 5 events per hour, while severe AHI is more than 30 events per hour.

What is a bad reading on a CPAP machine? ›

Mild OSA 5-15 events/hour. Moderate OSA 15-30 events/hour. Severe OSA 30+ events/hour. If you see a rise in your AHI, contact your durable medical equipment (DME) company or your sleep specialist to discuss these recent changes. The below images are readings from CPAP machines.

What are good numbers on a CPAP machine? ›

What is the normal pressure number for CPAP? Most machines are set between 4 and 20 cmH2O, with an average of 10 cmH2O. If you use a fixed-pressure device, this will be set to your prescribed setting.

What is a good max pressure for CPAP? ›

For most people, an appropriate CPAP pressure is between 6 and 14 cmH2O, with an average of 10 cmH2O. Your sleep specialist can help you determine what specific level is right for you. Over time, your CPAP device pressure may require adjusting.

What is a large leak on CPAP? ›

A large enough air leak from your CPAP mask can allow a partial, or even full, airway collapse. Most CPAP users discover a mask leak when the escaping air blows into their eyes, creating an irritating hissing sound and causing dry mouth or sore throat. With smaller leaks, users may not see such obvious signs.

What is a bad AHI number? ›

Apnea Hypopnea Index (AHI)

None/Minimal: AHI < 5 per hour. Mild: AHI ≥ 5, but < 15 per hour. Moderate: AHI ≥ 15, but < 30 per hour. Severe: AHI ≥ 30 per hour.

What is a bad number for sleep apnea? ›

Severe obstructive sleep apnea means that your AHI is greater than 30. You have more than 30 episodes per hour. Moderate obstructive sleep apnea means that your AHI is between 15 and 30. Mild obstructive sleep apnea means that your AHI is between 5 and 15.

Is an AHI of 1.4 good? ›

An AHI score below five is considered normal, and CPAP therapy should aim to reduce the score to this level.

What are signs your CPAP pressure is too high? ›

Signs Your CPAP Pressure Is Too High

Struggling to exhale, nose and mouth dryness, or a burning sensation in the throat are common symptoms of excessive pressure. Some people also experience mask leaks, fluid in the ears, and gas or belching from swallowing air.

What is a bad CPAP score? ›

What Do AHI Readings Mean?
AHI Score in AdultsSeverity Level of OSA
30 or higherSevere
Jun 7, 2024

Can I adjust my CPAP pressure myself? ›

Air pressure calibration on CPAP machines is done through a process called titration. So you are advised against trying to adjust the air pressure of a CPAP machine on your own. Also, never get the air pressure adjusted without a medical prescription.

What is a good AHI score on CPAP? ›

An ideal AHI for adults is fewer than five events per hour. Some sleep specialists aim for one or two events per hour as the "safe zone."

Why is my AHI increasing with CPAP? ›

The CPAP mask you wear is often as important as using the CPAP machine itself, because a mask leak can cause your AHI to increase. A mask leak can occur a few different ways. If you feel air blowing in your face, all you may need to do is adjust your mask straps; Michelle can show you how.

What does 90 pressure mean on CPAP? ›

This is relevant when your device is an Auto-CPAP. During any given night, the device recognizes the 90% Pressure achieved by the Auto Algorithm. 90% Pressure is defined as the pressure at which the device spent 90% of the session time at or below.

What does leak 95th mean CPAP? ›

Leak 95th % (percentile) The volume of air that leaks from your mask measured in liters per minute (95% of the time the volume is at or below the displayed value).

What is acceptable CPAP compliance? ›

CPAP compliance is generally defined as using a CPAP machine at least four hours a night during at least five nights in a week.

Why is my CPAP saying high leak detected? ›

Possible Cause: Air tubing not connected properly. Mask fitted incorrectly. Water tub not inserted properly.

At what level should a CPAP machine be placed? ›

The best position for your CPAP machine is typically on a stable surface at the same level as your bed, within easy reach of the bed. This can be a bedside table, a dresser, or a shelf.


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