Formatting Text - MATLAB & Simulink (2024)

Formatting Text

To convert data to text and control its format, you can use formattingoperators with common conversion functions, such as num2str and sprintf.These operators control notation, alignment, significant digits, andso on. They are similar to those used by the printf functionin the C programming language. Typical uses for formatted text includetext for display and output files.

For example, %f converts floating-point valuesto text using fixed-point notation. Adjust the format by adding informationto the operator, such as %.2f to represent twodigits after the decimal mark, or %12f to represent12 characters in the output, padding with spaces as needed.

A = pi*ones(1,3);txt = sprintf('%f | %.2f | %12f', A)
txt = '3.141593 | 3.14 | 3.141593'

You can combine operators with ordinary text and special charactersin a format specifier. For instance, \n insertsa newline character.

txt = sprintf('Displaying pi: \n %f \n %.2f \n %12f', A)
txt = 'Displaying pi: 3.141593 3.14 3.141593'

Functions that support formatting operators are compose, num2str, sprintf, fprintf,and the error handling functions assert, error, warning,and MException.

Fields of the Formatting Operator

A formatting operator can have six fields, as shown in the figure.From right to left, the fields are the conversion character, subtype,precision, field width, flags, and numeric identifier. (Space charactersare not allowed in the operator. They are shown here only to improvereadability of the figure.) The conversion character is the only requiredfield, along with the leading % character.

Formatting Text- MATLAB & Simulink (1)

Conversion Character

The conversion character specifies the notation of the output. It consistsof a single character and appears last in the format specifier.




Single character.


Decimal notation (signed).


Exponential notation (using a lowercase e,as in 3.1415e+00).


Exponential notation (using an uppercase E,as in 3.1415E+00).


Fixed-point notation.


The more compact of %e or %f.(Insignificant zeroes do not print.)


Same as %g, but using an uppercase E.


Octal notation (unsigned).


Character vector or string array.


Decimal notation (unsigned).


Hexadecimal notation (unsigned, using lowercase letters af).


Hexadecimal notation (unsigned, using uppercase letters AF).

For example, format the number 46 using different conversioncharacters to display the number in decimal, fixed-point, exponential,and hexadecimal formats.

A = 46*ones(1,4);txt = sprintf('%d %f %e %X', A)
txt = '46 46.000000 4.600000e+01 2E'


The subtype field is a single alphabetic character that immediatelyprecedes the conversion character. Without the subtype field, theconversion characters %o, %x, %X,and %u treat input data as integers. To treat inputdata as floating-point values instead and convert them to octal, decimal,or hexadecimal representations, use one of following subtype specifiers.


The input data are double-precision floating-point valuesrather than unsigned integers. For example, to print a double-precisionvalue in hexadecimal, use a format like %bx.


The input data are single-precision floating-point valuesrather than unsigned integers.


The precision field in a formatting operator is a nonnegativeinteger that immediately follows a period. For example, in the operator %7.3f,the precision is 3. For the %g operator,the precision indicates the number of significant digits to display.For the %f, %e, and %E operators,the precision indicates how many digits to display to the right ofthe decimal point.

Display numbers to different precisions using the precisionfield.

txt = sprintf('%g %.2g %f %.2f', pi*50*ones(1,4))

While you can specify the precision in a formatting operatorfor input text (for example, in the %s operator),there is usually no reason to do so. If you specify the precisionas p, and p is less than thenumber of characters in the input text, then the output contains onlythe first p characters.

Field Width

The field width in a formatting operator is a nonnegative integerthat specifies the number of digits or characters in the output whenformatting input values. For example, in the operator %7.3f,the field width is 7.

Specify different field widths. To show the width for each output,use the | character. By default, the output textis padded with space characters when the field width is greater thanthe number of characters.

txt = sprintf('|%e|%15e|%f|%15f|', pi*50*ones(1,4))
txt = '|1.570796e+02| 1.570796e+02|157.079633| 157.079633|'

When used on text input, the field width can determine whetherto pad the output text with spaces. If the field width is less thanor equal to the number of characters in the input text, then it hasno effect.

txt = sprintf('%30s', 'Pad left with spaces')
txt = ' Pad left with spaces'


Optional flags control additional formatting of the output text.The table describes the characters you can use as flags.




Minus sign (-)

Left-justify the converted argument in its field.


Plus sign (+)

For numeric values, always print a leading sign character(+ or -).
Fortext values, right-justify the converted argument in its field.



Insert a space before the value.

% 5.2f

Zero (0)

Pad with zeroes rather than spaces.


Pound sign (#)

Modify selected numeric conversions:

  • For %o, %x,or %X, print 0, 0x,or 0X prefix.

  • For %f, %e,or %E, print decimal point even when precisionis 0.

  • For %g or %G,do not remove trailing zeroes or decimal point.


Right- and left-justify the output. The default behavior isto right-justify the output text.

txt = sprintf('right-justify: %12.2f\nleft-justify: %-12.2f',... 12.3, 12.3)
txt = 'right-justify: 12.30 left-justify: 12.30 '

Display a + sign for positive numbers. Thedefault behavior is to omit the leading + signfor positive numbers.

txt = sprintf('no sign: %12.2f\nsign: %+12.2f',... 12.3, 12.3)
txt = 'no sign: 12.30 sign: +12.30'

Pad to the left with spaces and zeroes. The default behavioris to pad with spaces.

txt = sprintf('Pad with spaces: %12.2f\nPad with zeroes: %012.2f',... 5.2, 5.2)
txt = 'Pad with spaces: 5.20 Pad with zeroes: 000000005.20'


You can specify more than one flag in a formatting operator.

Value Identifiers

By default, functions such as sprintf insertvalues from input arguments into the output text in sequential order.To process the input arguments in a nonsequential order, specify theorder using numeric identifiers in the format specifier. Specify nonsequentialarguments with an integer immediately following the % sign,followed by a $ sign.

Ordered SequentiallyOrdered By Identifier
sprintf('%s %s %s',... '1st','2nd','3rd')ans = '1st 2nd 3rd'
sprintf('%3$s %2$s %1$s',... '1st','2nd','3rd')ans = '3rd 2nd 1st'

Special Characters

Special characters can be part of the output text. But becausethey cannot be entered as ordinary text, they require specific charactersequences to represent them. To insert special characters into outputtext, use any of the character sequences in the table.

Special Character

Representationin Format Specifier

Single quotation mark


Percent character








Form feed


New line


Carriage return


Horizontal tab


Vertical tab


Character whose Unicode® numeric value can be representedby the hexadecimal number, N


Example: sprintf('\x5A') returns 'Z'

Character whose Unicode numeric value can be representedby the octal number, N


Example: sprintf('\132') returns 'Z'

Setting Field Width and Precision

The formatting operator follows a set of rules for formattingoutput text to the specified field width and precision. You also canspecify values for the field width and precision outside the formatspecifier, and use numbered identifiers with the field width and precision.

Rules for Formatting Precision and Field Width

The figure illustrates how the field width and precision settingsaffect the output of the formatting functions. In this figure, thezero following the % sign in the formatting operatormeans to add leading zeroes to the output text rather than space characters.

Formatting Text- MATLAB & Simulink (2)

  • If the precision is not specified, then it defaultsto six.

  • If the precision p is less thanthe number of digits in the fractional part of the input, then only p digitsare shown after the decimal point. The fractional value is roundedin the output.

  • If the precision p is greater thanthe number of digits f in the fractional part ofthe input, then p digits are shown after the decimalpoint. The fractional part is extended to the right with p-f zeroesin the output.

  • If the field width is not specified, then it defaultsto p+1+n, where n is the numberof digits in the whole part of the input value.

  • If the field width w is greaterthan p+1+n, then the whole part of the output valueis padded to the left with w-(p+1+n) additionalcharacters. The additional characters are space characters unlessthe formatting operator includes the 0 flag. Inthat case, the additional characters are zeroes.

Specify Field Width and Precision Outside Format Specifier

You can specify the field width and precision using values froma sequential argument list. Use an asterisk (*)in place of the field width or precision fields of the formattingoperator.

For example, format and display three numbers. In each case,use an asterisk to specify that the field width or precision comefrom input arguments that follow the format specifier.

txt = sprintf('%*f %.*f %*.*f',... 15,123.45678,...  3,16.42837,...  6,4,pi)
txt = ' 123.456780 16.428 3.1416'

The table describes the effects of each formatting operatorin the example.

Formatting Operator



Specify width as the following input argument, 15.


Specify precision as the following input argument, 3.


Specify width and precision as the following input arguments, 6,and 4.

You can mix the two styles. For example, get the field widthfrom the following input argument and the precision from the formatspecifier.

txt = sprintf('%*.2f', 5, 123.45678)
txt = '123.46'

Specify Numbered Identifiers in Width and Precision Fields

You also can specify field width and precision as values froma nonsequential argument list, using an alternate syntax shown inthe figure. Within the formatting operator, specify the field widthand precision with asterisks that follow numbered identifiers and $ signs.Specify the values of the field width and precision with input argumentsthat follow the format specifier.

Formatting Text- MATLAB & Simulink (3)

For example, format and display three numbers. In each case,use a numbered identifier to specify that the field width or precisioncome from input arguments that follow the format specifier.

txt = sprintf('%1$*4$f %2$.*5$f %3$*6$.*7$f',... 123.45678, 16.42837, pi, 15, 3, 6, 4)
txt = ' 123.456780 16.428 3.1416'

The table describes the effect of each formatting operator inthe example.

Formatting Operator



1$ specifies the first input argument, 123.45678,as the value

*4$ specifies the fourth input argument, 15,as the field width


2$ specifies the second input argument, 16.42837,as the value

.*5$ specifies the fifth input argument, 3,as the precision


3$ specifies the third input argument, pi,as the value

*6$ specifies the sixth input argument, 6,as the field width

.*7$ specifies the seventh input argument, 4,as the precision

Restrictions on Using Identifiers

If any of the formatting operators include an identifier field,then all the operators in the format specifier must include identifierfields. If you use both sequential and nonsequential ordering in thesame function call, then the output is truncated at the first switchbetween sequential and nonsequential identifiers.

Valid SyntaxInvalidSyntax
sprintf('%d %d %d %d',... 1,2,3,4)ans = '1 2 3 4'
sprintf('%d %3$d %d %d',... 1,2,3,4)ans = '1 '

If your function call provides more input arguments than thereare formatting operators in the format specifier, then the operatorsare reused. However, only function calls that use sequential orderingreuse formatting operators. You cannot reuse formatting operatorswhen you use numbered identifiers.

Valid SyntaxInvalidSyntax
sprintf('%d',1,2,3,4)ans = '1234'
sprintf('%1$d',1,2,3,4)ans = '1'

If you use numbered identifiers when the input data is a vectoror array, then the output does not contain formatted data.

Valid SyntaxInvalidSyntax
v = [1.4 2.7 3.1];sprintf('%.4f %.4f %.4f',v)ans = '1.4000 2.7000 3.1000'
v = [1.4 2.7 3.1];sprintf('%3$.4f %1$.4f %2$.4f',v)ans = 1×0 empty char array

See Also

compose | sprintf | fprintf | num2str

Related Topics

  • Convert Text to Numeric Values
  • Convert Numeric Values to Text

External Websites

  • Programming: Organizing Data (MathWorks Teaching Resources)

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Formatting Text
- MATLAB & Simulink (2024)


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